Monday, May 3, 2010

Thanks Oklahoma City. I love you.

It was a fantastic experience in Oklahoma City making Cocoon. Here is a list of the kick ass artists and people I want to thank for their help.

Clint Stone, Director of Exhibits OK City Arts Center
Mary Ann Potter
Kristin Richter
Candace Coker
Kolbe Roper
Barney Karper
Kelsey Karper
Chad Mount
Jackie Mania
Lynna Schneider
April Vega
Heather McHeather
Moses White
Brooke Rowlands
Britni Kidwel
Louisa McCune-Elmore
Julia Kirk Director of Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition
Thank you Christian Keesee, Oklahoma City Five Star Art General.
Thanks to my new friend, Eric Dawson, The Toast of OKC.
Special Thanks to Romy Owens my bff and all around Awesome person. Go see her amazing work at the Capital building NOW.
Check out the video MEGALIPS featuring Black Joe Lewis "Gunpowder"
Worn by Heather McHeather, Lynna Schneider, and April Vega. You girls got moves!

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